Name: |
The following
questions will help identify how finding and |
buying a home can
be an enjoyable experience for you. |
1. How far along are
you in the homefinding process |
(just thinking
about the possibility of buying a |
home, or
definitely committed to making a move)? |
How long have you
been looking for a home? |
2. Why are you
contemplating the purchase of a |
home at this time? |
3. What is your time
frame? Is there a definite time |
by which you must
be settled in your new home? |
4. Who will be
included in the homefinding and |
buying decision? |
5. Have you ever
purchased a home before? |
If so, how many,
and how recently? |
6. Thinking of previous homefinding
experiences, |
what were the most
posative features of those |
experiences? If
you have never bought a home |
before, what are
you looking forward to most in |
the experience? |
7. Were there any
unpleasant features of your |
homefinding experience that you |
hope to avoid this
time? If you are buying |
your first home,
are there any problems or |
concerns you are
worried about? |
8. How do you plan to
handle the financing of |
your new home? Are
you aware of your |
financing options? |
9. What are your
expectations of me as your real |
professional? What specific services |
and support do you
expect? |